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What's New In Tailwindcss v1.7 Image What's New In Tailwindcss v1.7

Say hello to tailwindcss version 1.7.0, this new version comes with awesome new feature and updates, Added Gradients background, @apply with responsive variants, New utilities, and more.

What's is Coming In Tailwindcss v2 Image What's is Coming In Tailwindcss v2

Tailwind Css frameworks keeps moving fast and many of the features for v2 are already known. The upgrade looks like it will be easy with a few breaking changes. As the release will probably come in November.

Using Tailwind CSS with Django 3.x Image Using Tailwind CSS with Django 3.x

When it comes to using elements of modern front-end stacks in Django, there is more than one way.

Upgrade laravel mix to v6 Image Upgrade laravel mix to v6

Laravel mix v6 comes with support to the latest versions of numerous dependencies, including webpack 5, PostCSS 8, Vue Loader 16, and more.

Tailwind CSS Tables Image Tailwind CSS Tables

Tailwind CSS Tables that are available for free on tailwindcomponents.

Tailwind CSS Just In Time Image Tailwind CSS Just In Time

One of the downsides of tailwindcss is that it generates a ton of CSS code for each rule and variant in your project. If we look at its colors system, as han example, the framework adds a new class for each property that modifies

Tailwind CSS Forms Image Tailwind CSS Forms

Tailwind CSS Forms that are available for free on tailwindcomponents.

How to Install Tailwindcss In Vite Image How to Install Tailwindcss In Vite

If you’re starting a new Vite project, you might want to consider using Tailwind CSS. It requires some time to learn all the utility classes, but your rarely have to write CSS anymore.


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